Tuesday, April 9, 2013

If life were the way I imagined...

Growing up I was known for daydreaming the most outlandish things possible. I imagined all sorts of adventures in Narnia, and other made up lands, or simply in adventurous places other than where I was. These escapades were sure to include at least one handsome prince, daring sword (or wet noodle) fights, sporadic romantic martyrdom, and endless beautiful scenery. Daydreaming or reading were my escapes from whatever I happened to be facing at that time (from chores to leaving the only home I ever knew). Nowadays I don't daydream as much as I used to. My imaginings are much more earthbound at least. But, if my life were how I imagined, needless to say it would be incredibly different.
First of all, I would desperately want to do my quiet time every morning early instead of that desire hitting sometime later in the afternoon when I really can't concentrate. Unfortunately, a consistent quiet time only exists in my imagination. But, through that God is teaching me how to seek Him in every second not just when I sit down for a quiet time. And it just makes each quiet time that much more special.
Man, I don't know if I can even list all that would be different if I just lived like I do in my imagination!
I would be extremely graceful, nothing sarcastic would come out of my mouth, and I would always wear long flowing skirts!
I would eat smoothies, and beans and rice every day.
I would have time to stop and talk and pray with people all the time, and I would be so diligent in my homework that I wouldn't dream of working on a blog post before all of it was done. (Ha!)
I would adopt little boys and girls from every corner of the world, and have no trouble trusting God to provide for me.
I would find out that I am perfectly fitted for ministry and I would spend the rest of my life making a difference daily even in the little things.
I would never struggle with self image, in fact I would have no trouble forgetting myself and just letting Jesus shine through.
On a slightly sillier note, my life would have music playing like my own life sound track and I would walk through each day singing (I sorta do this minus the soundtrack).
Everyday, would have those Anne of Green Gables moments, and some sweet Gilbert would be my friend and offer me his heart. And of course, since I never would say anything wrong, our relationship would be more perfect than the movies even.
I would have piles of books of every sort and even more time to read them.
I would have lots of unbelieving friends that I shared Jesus with and never ever had trouble relating to.
I would- in short -be perfect. How boring. I mean honestly, just listing all this out I realize that the struggles I constantly have are what make me who I am. I wouldn't trade any one of the daily "I am so stupid" moments because they constantly draw me closer to Him. Some of the above things will never happen,maybe all of them. But the thing I have absolutely no doubt will happen, I cant begin to picture. I can only imagine.

1 comment:

  1. I like the smoothies one, I would drink them every day too :) Oh if we could only live our dreams, but its true where would the adventure be?


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