Wednesday, September 14, 2011


"Come to me all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest."
-Jesus in Matt.11:28 (Italics mine)

Rest. What comes to mind at that word? A pillow, maybe, a good book. For some a few minutes in front of the TV. But what is true rest?
Rest for those who have believed in Jesus Christ is a time to draw near to Him, and for Him to draw near to you. True rest cannot be attained unless it is given by its Creator. So you cannot have true rest unless you know Jesus. Also, you must "come away" from the noise and rush of life. Many people have called this coming away a "Quiet Time". "But, you may say, a quiet time is not required to be a christian!" That is correct. But requirements for salvation is not what is being discussed. Though it is not required, to truly grow in Christ there must be fellowship. At its core that is what true rest is, simple closeness to your Creator. It does not require a physical separation from your surroundings (though that does help).  To rest in close fellowship with your Creator is the sweetest relaxation known to man. 
You may at this point be wondering "Is it even possible to be that close to God?" The answer is "YES!" That question brings us to what true rest requires. 
First of all, rest requires that all sin be confessed. Close fellowship with God is always marred by unconfessed or unforsaken sin. 
Second, it requires focus. You must be fully focused on God. That is way being alone and undistracted is important.

What are the results of rest? 
Perfect Peace (John 14:27)
A Closer Walk (James 4:8) 

Rest is essential to the Christian walk. Without rest the follower will simply become burned out, worn down and altogether exhausted.  You cannot effectively serve without rest. 

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